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Processing part


Plasma bridge neutralizes

Date of issue :2022/7/19 0:00:00

Product introduction

The ion beam neutralization system, often referred to as the plasma bridge neutralizer (PBN), acts as part of the ion beam (etching) system. The plasma bridge neutralizer (PBN) injects electrons into the beam, and its role is to counteract the positive ion current on the substrate. This prevents the accumulation of positively charged ions on the substrate. Since the ion beam is positively charged and tends to diffuse (charge repulsion), injecting electrons into the ion beam also helps to maintain the collimation of the ion beam. Due to the negative potential on the rejection gate, electrons provided by the PBN do not re-enter the gate set.

Plasma Bridge Neutralizer (PBN) has three basic functions: 1. Start source (ignition) 2. Reduce charge build-up on the substrate 3. Assist in calibrating the ion beam.

Main advantages and application

Our unique PBN design is used in specific operating methods, greatly extending the filament life and reducing component losses, and our PBN products can easily provide at least 500 hours of filament life.

This product is not only suitable for low-energy ion beam systems, used to neutralize both sides of the beam geometry and beam impact substrate, but also facilitates the neutralization of the substrate surface of high-energy ion beams.
